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        Exposición global


        Importar Expo Case


        Razones para que los 500 mejores del mundo nos eligiera

        • Recommended Service Provider

          We are a special decoration construction service provider recommended by the China International Import Expo, with a design and construction area ranking among the top

        • 400,000+

          The annual average construction area of domestic and overseas projects are more than 400,000 square meters and we have built more than 100 permanent venues. The number of construction projects and the total area are unparalleled in the field of exhibition design and construction.

        • 300+ Cities Across 5 Continents

          Our service network covers over 300 cities across five continents worldwide, and we have established long-term strategic partnerships with hosting venues in Asia, Europe, North America, and other regions.

        • 100+

          We have over 100 designers in the industry and one of the few independent R&D teams in the industry. We have deep cooperation with leading domestic designer exchange platforms and have won multiple design awards.

        • One-stop service

          We provide global one-stop booth design, planning and operation services with opening industry chain. We offer the channel and give you services.

        Centro cultural temático

        Planificación de eventos



        We are one, We Can | The 2025 Annual Strategic Implementation Conference of Omaten Group Kicks Off

        We are one, We Can | The 2025 Annual Strategic Implementation Conference of Omaten Group Kicks Off

        In the vast river of time, the present moment feels like the crest of a surging wave—an instant brim...

        Introducción de la empresa

        Perfil de la empresa

        Omateng Exhibición es una empresa de unicornios en la industria de la tecnología cultural que ha ofrecido servicios a dos Expo y es constructor designado organizado de mas de cien empresas en el mundo. En los últimos a?os ha brindado servicios únicos para la planificación, operación y promoción de exposiciones globales para las 500 principales empresas nacionales y extranjeras. A través del marketing experimental, los asuntos de la conferencia, los festivales temáticos, la construcción de salas, la exhibición de remodelación, la experiencia, la industria y la operación, la nueva exposición cuatro en uno estimulará la creatividad de la marca de las empresas y logrará una cobertura global del marketing creativo de la marca.

        Clientes de marcas

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